Q. How can you differentiate between wet and dry FIP in cats?

How can you differentiate between wet and dry FIP in cats?

cats fip





Sep, 2024

1 Answer
  • samanthafarrell

    I was just looking into that the other day while searching for FIP gatto treatments. The main difference comes down to fluid buildup.
    Wet FIP causes fluid buildup in the abdomen and chest. This fluid can lead to breathing difficulties and a swollen belly. Dry FIP, on the other hand, affects organs like the kidneys, liver, and eyes without causing fluid buildup. It often leads to more varied and vague symptoms like weight loss, lethargy, and eye inflammation.
    As for which is worse, to be honest, both types are serious and usually fatal, but wet FIP tends to progress faster. Cats with wet FIP might deteriorate in just weeks, while those with dry FIP might live a bit longer, sometimes a few months. Either way, it’s important to consult with your vet immediately if you suspect your cat has FIP.
    Keep in mind that while FIP is usually fatal without treatment, there are treatments available today. If the disease is diagnosed quickly and treated correctly, cats have a very good chance to survive and make a full recovery.


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