Q. From Concept to Creation: The Journey of Engineered Coated Fabrics?

From Concept to Creation: The Journey of Engineered Coated Fabrics?

Increasing demand for lightweight products, development of new high-performance applications using engineered coated fabrics, advancement in technology, and the introduction of stringent government standards regarding safety are some of the major factors that are bolstering the demand for engineered coated fabrics in various end-use industries.

The demand for engineered coated fabrics is creating ample opportunities for manufacturers today and they are moving with a purpose to improve the overall customer experience by enhancing the performance of engineered coated fabrics. The developing market of engineered coated fabrics is set to grow at a healthy CAGR in the coming years.

Our estimates show that the engineered coated fabrics market will grow at a healthy growth rate over the next five years to reach US$ 923.6 million in 2024.

stratview research





Jan, 2024

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