Q. Do hearing aids actually function?
Accepted Answer
It entirely relies on the person, their hearing loss, the age at which it began, the kind of hearing aid, the audiologist, and the environment in which they are attempting to listen. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t.
My hearing aids make one-on-one interactions in a quiet setting much more accessible, to use a personal anecdote. When it is quiet and tranquil enough to hear them, I can also enjoy the sound of birds singing and raindrops falling. However, they don’t assist me in places with poor acoustics, like pubs, auditoriums, or other public spaces.
The biggest drawback of hearing aids is that they are not human ears. Hearing aids don’t perform what the human ear is naturally meant to do, which is to acquire and filter sound. Everything is exaggerated when one item does. Because my brain needs to work harder to filter and analyze the sounds when I wear hearing aids, I find that wearing them to be incredibly taxing. Without hearing aids, listening is less taxing, but obviously I don’t get as much. It’s a trade-off, and I occasionally make it, but it doesn’t imply the hearing aids are ineffective; they just don’t always work for everyone in all circumstances. Start with a hearing evaluation from a ear nose and throat physician or an audiologist. See what he.she suggests.
answered by delmershurlocke