Q. What is gas insulated switchgear market size in 2022?

What is gas insulated switchgear market size in 2022?

The Gas Insulated Switchgear Market report, published by Stratview Research is Segmented by Type (High-Voltage Insulated Switchgear, Medium-Voltage Insulated Switchgear), by Voltage Type (Distribution Voltage, Sub-Transmission Voltage, High-Voltage Transmission, Extra High-Voltage Transmission, and Ultra-High Voltage Transmission), by Installation Type (Indoor Gas Insulated Switchgear, Outdoor Gas Insulated Switchgear, and Solid Bus Duct Connection & Cable Connection), by End-User Type (Power Transmission Utilities, Power Distribution Utilities, Power Generation Utilities, Infrastructure & Transportation, and Industries & OEMs), and by Region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Rest of the World).

Market Insights
The gas insulated switchgear market size was estimated at USD 23 billion in 2022 and is likely to grow at a CAGR of 6.32% during 2022-2028 to reach USD 33.23 billion in 2028.

What is a gas insulated switchgear?
Gas Insulated Switchgear refers to a metal compact switchgear that has components of high voltage. These components are such that can be handled safely.

Gas Insulated Switchgear can be for both high-voltage and medium-voltage. The switchgear can be installed indoors, and outdoors, and also as a solid bus duct connection and cable connection.

stratview research





May, 2023

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