Q. Is cochlear implantation appropriate? What is the best type of implant?

Is cochlear implantation appropriate? What is the best type of implant?

Cochlear implants can be a wonderful solution for people with hearing loss that hearing aids can no longer remedy (they can only amplify sound). If this is your case, it would be advisable to see a specialist at a cochlear implant hospital India if you could be a candidate for an IC. In the case of profound or congenital deafness, cochlear implants can restore hearing capacity. In addition, the IC is suitable for every age group (in children, implantation can be performed approximately from the age of one year)






Apr, 2023

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Stories are wide-ranged. It can be from a writer's imagination and point of view whether it's about human experiences or about a place. It can also be from someone who really likes to put their nose on other people's lives and making stories to destroy other people's reputation. The latter is a funny fact about stories. It can destroy and build a person. Imagine a world without a shared story among people. It could be so boring because there is no life without a story. Everybody has his own story to tell. For some, their stories are worth listening to or can be an autobiography in motion pictures.

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