Q. Cosmetic Surgery: An Improvement For The Body And For The Psyche?

Cosmetic Surgery: An Improvement For The Body And For The Psyche?

Cosmetic surgery is a branch of medicine that deals with improving face and body imperfections, which is more or less serious. It is a specialization that aims at similar but, at the same time, different objectives compared to traditional plastic surgery. Cosmetic surgery is aimed at two categories of people: those who see a “defect” in some anatomical variants, something they don’t like, which causes personal or public discomfort, and who find psychological and physical benefit in the correction of the imperfection; those who want to stay young and improve the physical alterations due to the passage of time.






Apr, 2023

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Stories are wide-ranged. It can be from a writer's imagination and point of view whether it's about human experiences or about a place. It can also be from someone who really likes to put their nose on other people's lives and making stories to destroy other people's reputation. The latter is a funny fact about stories. It can destroy and build a person. Imagine a world without a shared story among people. It could be so boring because there is no life without a story. Everybody has his own story to tell. For some, their stories are worth listening to or can be an autobiography in motion pictures.

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