Q. Do home buying companies charge fees or associated costs when buying my property?


Do home buying companies charge fees or associated costs when buying my property?






Jan, 2023

1 Answer
  • Anonymous

    Well, I can’t speak for all home-buying companies, but I’ve had the opportunity to sell to a few, and usually, the best ones don’t have fees or costs associated. Technically, all of them shouldn’t, but you can never really vouch for anyone in the industry these days.

    Personally, I have used Favor Home Solutions, one of my trusted home buyers in Louisville, for a few of my properties and they have never charged me any fees or costs. Technically, since they are not listing your property, there is no need for such fees.

    Home-buying companies buy your properties directly, with the best of them having cash ready to hand over to you within twenty-four hours. All of these are done in a pretty smooth and effective way that removes the need for things such as realtor fees.


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