Q. What is HACCP certification?

What is HACCP certification?

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) ist ein systematischer Ansatz für die Lebensmittelindustrie, der den Prozess vor biologischen, chemischen und physikalischen Gefahren schützt und die Lebensmittelsicherheit gewährleistet. Das HACCP Zertifikat bestätigt, dass eine Organisation diese Verfahren erfolgreich in ihrem Managementsystem implementiert hat.

certificate certification





Dec, 2022

1 Answer
  • joerobbins

    HACCP Certification is a promise of an organization to its consumers that its foods are safe, healthy for human consumption. It ensures food safety as well as its quality. This certification helps improve the food safety management system performance of the organization. It ensures consumers’ confidence in your food products and services. This globally recognized certification enhances customer satisfaction as well as the profitability of your business. Also, the HACCP Certification helps develop the reputation of your organization.


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