Q. How will the market be impacted by over-the-counter hearing aids?

How will the market be impacted by over-the-counter hearing aids?

hearing aids





Nov, 2022

1 Answer
  • delmershurlocke

    A benefit of over-the-counter hearing aids is that they will make hearing aids affordable for those who otherwise couldn’t afford them. But it’s difficult to see how they’ll benefit those with moderate to severe hearing loss. I’m sure that over-the-counter hearing aids will have clever ways to adapt to specific hearing loss, but it would be very challenging to match the level of customization provided by a hearing specialist.

    I sincerely hope I’m wrong, but I believe that as users’ annoyance levels rise, a significant portion of them will stop using these devices. Without a hearing specialist to support the user, the non-use issue could get worse than it already is.


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