Q. What do I need to know to look after an old boiler?

What do I need to know to look after an old boiler?






Oct, 2022

1 Answer
  • klaudiapunctus

    I assume you’re asking because you’re moving into a house with an old boiler? If that’s the case, a good place to start is to learn the make and model of the boiler you have installed and then do some research. See if you can track down a copy of the owner’s manual and read reviews and articles about the boiler so you can learn about common issues associated with that model.

    You shouldn’t attempt to do boiler maintenance yourself. That should be left to professionals who can handle boiler repair in Ayr, as this link shows. However, knowing the basics of how your boiler works and its common issues can help you keep an eye out for potential red flags
    Weird noises, leaks, and changes in efficiency can all be linked to mechanical issues with your boiler. And knowing what signs to watch out for can be a great help when looking after a boiler, as calling a repair person early can be the difference between adjusting a part and having to replace it entirely.


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