Q. How to Fix Discord not working issues?

How to Fix Discord not working issues?

Discord is a great app for gamers around the world, but it does run into some issues from time to time. One of the most common problems users face is that Discord not working issues. This is different from the RTC connection error or Javascript error faced by Discord users. Sometimes some Discord features like audio, overlay, and mic don’t work when opening a game. But when they close the game and join the call it works fine. In this post, we are going to talk more about this particular problem and see how to fix it.

Why isn’t Discord Search working?

There can be various reasons why the Discord search issue is not working. Before we continue talking about the possible solutions to the broken Discord search issue, let’s first understand why the Discord search is not working.
Discord server is down.
Low bandwidth or slow internet connection can also cause this problem. In that case, the Quick Switcher bar will not load.
Older versions of Discord do not support this new feature. So an outdated Discord app could be one of the reasons.
The Discord cache can also cause this problem, as the cache can consume all the resources that will not allow the Discord search bar to load.
If a user is using Discord in Streamer mode, there is a possibility that it will interfere with the functionality of the search bar.
Better Discord can also be one of the reasons why the “Discord search is not working” issue can occur.
Now that you know the reasons behind this problem, let’s dive into the possible solutions for Discord search. You can try them to see if the solution works for you.






Dec, 2021

1 Answer
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