Q. How to remove Chronic pain by Pain o soma pills?
How to remove Chronic pain by Pain o soma pills?
What is Soma?
Pain o Soma (carisoprodol) is a muscle relaxer that squares torment sensations between the nerves and the mind.
Soma is utilized along with rest and exercise based recuperation to treat skeletal muscle conditions like torment or injury.
Soma ought to just be utilized for brief periods (up to half a month) on the grounds that there is no proof of its adequacy in long haul use and most skeletal muscle wounds are by and large of brief term.
2 Answers
Chronic pain can be a huge disturbance to our day-to-day life. In such a situation a medication like Pain-O-Soma is very useful and is known to provide pain relief under 30 minutes and works for 2-3 hours. It is usually used along with rest, physical therapy, and other treatments. Carisoprodol is a popular oral muscle relaxant with its brand version being Pain-O-Soma. It works by altering communication among receptor nerves in specific parts of the brain that control the sensation of pain and in the spinal cord. Pain-O-Soma works as a sedative. This gives the person the feeling of pain relief and thereby puts the person at ease within minutes.
Key features of Pain-o-soma are-
• It helps in pain within 30 minutes
• Approved by the FDA for short-term acute pain
• People with mild and moderate pain can use Soma for faster relief
• Not for people with liver, kidney and heart disorders
• It is not recommended for pregnant and lactating womananswered by marshallkimberly25
The use of Pain o soma is a very effective solution with managing the issue of acute pain in people. It is the brand name of Carisoprodol and is seen to work in 30 minutes within taking the dose. The action of pain o Soma works by blocking the sensation of pain from the affected part of the body from reaching the brain of the person. Thus helping with getting relief from pain. The use of Pain o soma can help with managing body pain that occurs from factors such as-
• Fracture
• Cuts and injury
• Dental pain
• Muscle spasm
• Wrong posture
• Lifting heavy objects
• Sitting for long hours
Thus, it is advisable for one to take Pain o Soma for managing pain effectively.
The right pain o soma dosage
• It should be taken 2 to 3 times a day
• Do not take it with other medicines and alcohol
• Avoid taking the Pain o Soma for more than three weeks
• People above the age of 65 years and below 17 years should avoid taking Pain o Soma.
• Pregnant and lactating women should refrain from taking Carisoprodol.
Click Hereanswered by amanda