Q. Twitter account password reset not working?

Twitter account password reset not working?

How to recover your Twitter account password
Forgetting your Twitter password is no big deal. You can ask Twitter to provide you with a temporary password, which you can use to log in and then change your password to a new one, or a link to reset your password can be sent via email or SMS. The only caveat is that the first option is only available on iOS devices. When you try to log in from a device that supports this feature and you do not enter the correct password, you will be given the option to log in with a login code.

But if you don’t own a compatible device, a password reset link should be sent via email or SMS. To recover the password of the Twitter account with this method, do the following:

  • Go to the Twitter login page.
  • Click on the link to reset your password.
  • Enter your email address.
  • Follow the instructions in the email or SMS message.
  • Choose a new password and make sure you don’t lose it again.






Oct, 2021

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