Q. How to cancel Southwest Airlines flight tickets?
How to cancel Southwest Airlines flight tickets?
Are you planning to book your Southwest Airlines flight? You can then cancel a Southwest Airlines flight online, which is very easy. If you are not aware of the cancellation process, follow these steps:
1. First, you need to go to the homepage of Southwest Airlines.
2. Further, you will see the option marked as “Change/Cancel”, select that option.
3. In addition, you need to enter your first name, last name confirmation number.
4. If you want to cancel your flight booking, you have to select the Cancel option and click on the search option.
5. Then you will see your Southwest Airlines Manage Booking page.
6. You will then be asked to select the option to cancel the flight. Follow the on-screen prompts.
7. After completing all the steps, your flight reservation will be complete without any detail.
In addition, if you require more information about the Southwest cancellation policy or wish to cancel your flight booking, you may contact our customer service team directly to assist Southwest Airlines cancellation policy experts.