Q. Can I cancel Alaska flight and get refund?

Can I cancel Alaska flight and get refund?

How can I cancel my Alaska Airlines flight?

Can I cancel my Alaska Airlines flight?Can I get a refund for my Alaska Airlines flight? Yes, you can! Under Alaska Airlines’ 24-hour cancellation policy, you can cancel your flights within 24 hours of purchase for a full refund. You can cancel your flights online, just by visiting the manage reservation page. Depending on your fare, there may be a fee to change or cancel your reservation. If a fee does apply, it is $125 (USD) per person, per change, in addition to any difference in fare. How do I know if I am eligible for a refund from Alaska Airlines? To cancel your ticket online and receive a refund or credit, your purchased reservation must: Have been issued at alaskaair.com, Alaska Airlines live person, call center or an Alaska ticket counter. Not contain a Saver fare beyond the first 24 hours after booking. Not contain a government fare. Not be more than one year from the date of original purchase, or for partially used tickets, not be more than one year from original outbound travel date. Not be part of a group or vacation package booking. Not contain an unaccompanied minor booked on a carrier other than Alaska Airlines. Have been ticketed using US dollars as the form of currency. Refundable reservations that meet the criteria above may be refunded to the original form of payment.

cancel my alaska air





Jun, 2021

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