Q. Suhagra | Sildenafil Citrate | Generic Viagra Pill?

Apillz : A to Z Generic Medicine

Suhagra | Sildenafil Citrate | Generic Viagra Pill?

Suhagra 100 mg tablet is used as a drug equivalent to generic viagra to inhibit PDE-5. Suahgra 100 should be taken 30 minutes before intercourse. Because suhagra take 30 minutes to perform its action, after 30 minutes men will able to gat and maintain hard erection during sexual stimulation. This suhagra 100 is safe and natural medicine as a solution of ED.






May, 2021

2 Answers
  • nunezdanny

    Aunque muchos hombres usan esta droga de forma recreativa, la viagra es utilizada principalmente por hombres. que tienen condiciones médicas que interfieren con su capacidad para desarrollar y mantener una erección. Las personas que usan esta droga de forma recreativa a menudo lo hacen sin consejo médico, por lo que es importante que los médicos estén informados sobre cómo esta droga afecta tanto a los pacientes como a los que no lo son. También hay varios hechos sobre estos medicamentos que están fuera del alcance de este artículo; estos incluyen cuánto tiempo duran estos medicamentos en su sistema y cualquier posible efecto secundario a largo plazo por usarlos repetidamente con el tiempo. David Mora


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      1.28 q
  • andreditor

    Viagra is intended for use in men, and is unlikely to be used in women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. However, Viagra is not expected to be harmful to a fetus. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant during treatment with Viagra. It is unknown if Viagra passes into breast milk or if it could harm a nursing baby. Consult your doctor before breastfeeding.

    See, you have to understand that all the above treatment only treat the symptoms and not the underlying problems which is causing impotence. So it is very important to find out the exact inner problem which is causing ED.

    Viagra vs cialis vs levitra, which is better?

    I too was suffering severely from erectile dysfunction and was very depressed in life. I was suffering from it for 3 long years in which I had tried every remedy available. From gulping Viagra to using injection.


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      2.0 q

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