Q. Will my poor credit rating prevent me from opening a new bank account?

Will my poor credit rating prevent me from opening a new bank account?






Apr, 2021

1 Answer
  • klaudiapunctus

    Anyone can open a bank account, regardless of their credit score or financial life history. However, the type of account you can open and the benefits included may be limited. This is because the vast majority of banks use something called ChexSystems, which monitors your activity. If you fail to pay back an overdraft quickly or have your account forcibly closed, then a new bank may be unwilling to accept you as a customer. If they do, there may be severe restrictions.

    To get around this, you could try signing up for one of the few banks that doesn’t use ChexSystems. This way, your information won’t be collected. However, it’s unlikely to include an overdraft and you may lose access to other benefits. You have to strike the right balance and choose the account that suits your financial situation. If you’d like to open an account that doesn’t collect information on your credit score, then click here: https://indebtedmom.com/banks-that-d...


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