Q. How to Fix HP Printer Error State Windows 10?


How to Fix HP Printer Error State Windows 10?

if you have a problem with the printer Error Windows 10? You have also received many errors while working on your printer, such as “Printer is Offline,” but the last one is “The printer has an error state.” So do Do not worry, HP printers are popular PC accessories, but after upgrading to Windows 10, they also have the highest risk of problems. Many users complain about the problem “Printer in error state in Windows 10 “trying to make it work? Printer in error state in Windows 10

hp printer error error state windows fix hp printer error





Jun, 2020

2 Answers
  • goldyy

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    answered by

      0.88 q
  • Anonymous

    If you’re struggling to fix HP Printer in Error State Windows 10 then you can follow these simple steps to troubleshoot HP Printer in Error State Windows 10 issue.

    Method 1:- Run Troubleshooter
    Method 2:- Check Wi-Fi or Cable
    Method 3:- Choose “Use Printer Online” Option

    • Go to “Control Panel” and then click on “Devices and printers”.
    • Click on the “Printer”.
    • If the Printer showing offline then it shows “Offline”. If the Printer is online it shows “Ready”.
    • Set it to online.
    • Now Right-click on the printer and then choose “Use Printer Online”.
    • Display should change to ready when the printer is set to online.

    This is how you can fix HP Printer in an error state


    answered by

      4.39 q

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