Q. What to do when HP printer says offline problem?

AirPrint not working

What to do when HP printer says offline problem?

When I give a printing command to my HP printer, unexpectedly my HP printer is showing offline status. I am applying the instructions to my printer for printing, automatically HP Printer says offline message. HP printer offline is the most common error that can put a halt on HP printer to print necessary documents. I am a fresh user of HP printer and don’t have technical background to resolve it. What must I do for HP printer offline issue? So, I am asking from anyone to provide the easy steps to fix HP printer offline error.






Mar, 2020

1 Answer
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Hardware and networking

The screen on which you are reading now is a piece of hardware and you could access this web content because of networking. Earlier the hardware designs were prepared to suffice the functional requirements of the device. On the contrary, in recent times, look and feel of the device is equally considered. With the advancements in the field of science like Nano-technology, more compact electronic and hardware equipment are developed. Networking is what binds different hardware devices in a linked system through which internal communication is made possible.

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