Q. Which Skin Care Ingredients Do You Avoid?

Which Skin Care Ingredients Do You Avoid?

As I’m sure all of you know, what we put in our bodies is important to our health! The same goes for what we put ON our bodies. Many skincare products are filled with toxic ingredients that are harmful for you and your family. To help you choose the right skincare products, we’ve created a list of ingredients you should avoid:


While fragrances may smell tempting, putting them on your body can cause a handful of severe health problems. Cancer, reproductive and developmental toxicity, and allergies are the biggest concerns.


Parabens are popular in skincare products and deodorants and are found in breast cancer tumors. They can also cause hormonal imbalance in women (along with early puberty) and can lead to sterility in men.


This dirty ingredient is found in hair care products and moisturizers. It is meant to increase shine and add moisture, but there are a lot of dangerous side effects.


Triclosan has no benefits in skincare products and has a long list of dangerous effects including: hormonal disruptions, increased allergies, weakened muscle and immune function, and bacterial resistance.






Sep, 2019

1 Answer
  • saleem

    Ultrasonic skin scrubbing is a cutting-edge skincare technique that utilizes high-frequency sound waves to provide a host of skin benefits. This non-invasive procedure deeply cleanses and exfoliates the skin, eliminating impurities and dead skin cells, resulting in a refreshed complexion. What sets it apart is its unique ability to stimulate collagen production, which can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, thus promoting a more youthful look. The gentle vibrations produced during the process not only offer a relaxing, massaging effect but also improve blood circulation and the absorption of skincare products. Its versatility and safety make it a sought-after choice for various skin types and concerns, offering a gentle, yet highly effective means to attain smoother, clearer, and more radiant skin without harsh chemicals or invasive treatments. ultrasonic skin scrub is a true game-changer in the realm of modern skincare.


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Skin & Beauty

Dark-skinned people want to be fair. White-skinned people want to be tanned. Apartheid had long been gone yet racial discrimination specifically about skin and beauty still exists. Skin care and beauty products are everywhere. From head to foot, girls adorn themselves to always look fab and even better. White skin are overrated nowadays. The contentment is always in the line. While some are not bothered with whatever complexion a person has, some try hard to be more beautiful. That would mean better opportunities, self-satisfaction, and a bully-free life. We didn't choose the kind of skin that we have but we can love ourselves better by accepting our skin and beauty as part of our being unique.

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