Q. Is there any communication tool where I can start chatting from inside an email?

Is there any communication tool where I can start chatting from inside an email?

software chat email communication





May, 2019

1 Answer
  • starkjon

    There are products, of course only a handful, that do allow you to start chatting from inside an email. Clariti allows users to start chat from inside an email, thus automatically establishing and preserving context of what is being discussed. It also maintains the link between the original email, the chat and all other ensuing communications that happen related to the same topic.


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Communication is when language, signs or silent expressions are made a means to convey thoughts, feelings and opinions. Communication has literally changed its face as now individual viewpoints can be shared on world-wide accessible platforms. Calling and messaging has never been this easy, platform like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram made it possible to reach out to millions of people at once. Effective communication is very essential because misinterpreted words can leads to disasters. Listening and speaking one after the other, exemplifies the best conveyance of ideas.

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