Q. What is the purpose of life, I means by birth to death?

What is the purpose of life, I means by birth to death?






Apr, 2019

  • cebnerders

    The purpose of life is a deeply personal and philosophical question that has intrigued humans for centuries. From birth to death, we experience growth, challenges, and moments of joy, all of which shape our understanding of life’s meaning. Some may find purpose in relationships, others in personal achievements, or the pursuit of happiness and knowledge. Reflecting on one’s life through tools like a my life in weeks poster can offer a unique perspective, highlighting the finite nature of time and encouraging us to live more intentionally. Ultimately, the purpose of life is something we each define through our actions, choices, and the way we embrace every fleeting moment.


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  • nunezdanny

    Find all of the supplies you need for your work only from the platform of Funeral supplies. They even have fantastic services for you guys to use too. Just give it a shot for once, I am sure you guys will like it!


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  • eduar

    The purpose of life is governed by the individual independently.
    It is for this reason that there is no established purpose. What for me may be a purpose, for you may be something completely different.

    Finally, during your lifetime, you may have more than one purpose.


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      2.59 q

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We can define life through experiences and still can't find the exact word to say what life really is. Messy? Complicated? Roller coaster ride? Meaningless? or just not being dead? Philosophy suggests that there's an invisible bond that interconnects all the living. Most of us are still bugged about how life started and what's next after life. There is more to life that just merely exist. No one can figure out what exactly it is because no one knows the purpose behind this. All we can do is to live it to the fullest. It is too short; don't make it shorter.

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