Q. You believe bitcoin 100000usd?

You believe bitcoin 100000usd?






Mar, 2019

  • micheal_jason

    We know how important it is for your truck (and your safety) to have brakes that work properly, so when you hit the brakes you’re going to stop. T
    electrical repair


    answered by

      0 q
  • katherine_rose

    It’s unique, austere, and fully within the scope of our prowess.
    Pro Oxnard Concrete


    answered by

      0.29 q
  • gligroup

    btc has so much potential this year.....who knows what the bulls are thinking


    answered by

      0.35 q

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Blockchain is the backbone technology that powers cryptocurrencies. Simply put, it’s like email for money (and many other things) which anyone can access, no central authority controls, and is practically impossible to censor.
Blockchains are already beginning to transform everything in our financial system, from commerce to capital markets. It is still early days but blockchains will be as transformative as the printing press, the internal combustion engine, or even the internet itself. The exponential and disruptive growth of Blockchain will come from the convergence of public and private Blockchains to an ecosystem where firms, customers and suppliers can collaborate in a secure, auditable and virtual way.

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