Q. Who will win the Champions League this year? and who is the ballon d'or holder this year?


Who will win the Champions League this year? and who is the ballon d'or holder this year?






Mar, 2019

1 Answer
  • andica7x

    Barcelona wins , and messi get ballon d’or 😃


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Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi are the world's most favorite superstars in football. This is a team sport with eleven players per team competing to score goals. It requires players to be physically strong as they are going to play this kind of sport with explosiveness and speed. Every year, people who are avid fans of football wait for one of the biggest sports event of the year called Super Bowl which nowadays is considered to be America's unofficial holiday. Figuratively, as it is the most watched sport in the world, football becomes a religion.

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