Q. Why my Iota transactions is pending to Long time?


Why my Iota transactions is pending to Long time?






Jan, 2019

2 Answers
  • adrienneholt

    This is the sort of incredible quality online that I hope to see on this webiste and perusing this superb quality article here has made me a happy perosn. 우리카지노


    answered by

      0 q
  • doswedan

    It depends of number of blocks.


    answered by

      0.13 q

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The strength of currency is a sign of strong nation. It is not known for sure since when money came into use, but in the records of history there are several proofs of its early existence. Units of currency have relative valuation in correspondence to other currencies. Money is of significant importance to an economy due to its involvement in the day to day life of people. A consumer, producer, businessman or a beggar cannot spend a single day without indulging in monetary exchange.

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