Q. Is Pakistan changing?

Is Pakistan changing?

country pakistan





Dec, 2018

2 Answers
  • johnmehdi8

    Yes, Pakistan is changing in positive way.


    answered by

      0.37 q
  • tonystark

    It’s hard to say that. Pakistan recently got a new PM. Hopefully he brings the much needed transformation and uprise a country who never got a chance in the past. There is a lot of talent in Pakistan which is still undiscovered and not getting enough global exposure. Bad social elements is another big problem.

    I truly wish people of Pakistan rise coz they are still humans who have dreams, capabilities and aspiraitons.


    answered by

      1.18 q

Asked in Category


The term politics is mostly referred with negative connotations, but is it really so? The political parties play a major role in the governance of a country. People invest their faith and votes in a set of representatives of the government and in return expect their own welfare and safety. Even when such an organized system is established to serve people, there are loopholes. False promises are made, commitments are not kept and hope is left shattered. As, "There are no personal sympathies in politics".

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