Q. Is there any field of competition in Olympics that belongs to the art and craft realm?

Is there any field of competition in Olympics that belongs to the art and craft realm?

Most of the competitions are sports related.

craft art sports





Sep, 2018

1 Answer
  • chauncy

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From the 19th century up to the present, The Olympic Games has been the most anticipated multi-sport event. Summer and Winter Games alternate being held every four years but in a two-year gap. The Olympics now becomes a celebration of sportsmanship and teamwork amongst sportsmen and the countries they represent. Recently, XXIII Olympic Winter Games was held in Pyeongchang County, South Korea having more 2,000 delegates in 92 National Olympic Committees worldwide. Six countries debuted and more sports were added to this prestigious sporting event. Sports enthusiasts are now bursting with excitement for the next Olympic Games and probably you, too.

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