Q. Are you curious or here to gain?

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Are you curious or here to gain?






Sep, 2018

1 Answer
  • richard65

    And Im running from a standard users account with strict limitations, which I think may be the limiting factor, but Im running the cmd as the system I am currently working on. private money loan


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Each of us has his own philosophy in life. We live by those terms every day. The world is full of mysteries and questions like life does. In the never ending search for the meaning of life and how to deal with it, many philosophers seek knowledge to give us an answer. A part of philosophy explains an invisible bond shared by everyone in this world. Simply saying that whatever you do affects someone around you. It sounds more like a story in a movie but, yes philosophy is always applied in it. It's a broad topic to begin with and the simple philosophy to live by is to always choose the brighter side.

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