Q. What are the black spots made of?

What are the black spots made of?

I am talking about what we call blackheads.
How can I get rid of those?

dead skin black spot black heads





Aug, 2018

2 Answers
  • minho

    Thank you for producing such a fascinating essay on this subject. This has sparked a lot of thought in me, and I’m looking forward to reading more.weaver game


    answered by

      0.39 q
  • deadth2009

    wash your laundry every dayday


    answered by

      0.2 q

Asked in Category

Skin & Beauty

Dark-skinned people want to be fair. White-skinned people want to be tanned. Apartheid had long been gone yet racial discrimination specifically about skin and beauty still exists. Skin care and beauty products are everywhere. From head to foot, girls adorn themselves to always look fab and even better. White skin are overrated nowadays. The contentment is always in the line. While some are not bothered with whatever complexion a person has, some try hard to be more beautiful. That would mean better opportunities, self-satisfaction, and a bully-free life. We didn't choose the kind of skin that we have but we can love ourselves better by accepting our skin and beauty as part of our being unique.

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