Q. How can I know if I have OCD?

How can I know if I have OCD?

What are the early signs of OCD?
How can I know the severity of my case?

severity early signs ocd





Aug, 2018

2 Answers
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  • richard65

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Incurable and curable diseases are everywhere. Visit a hospital and see that there's never a day when no people are confined without a disease. There are several causes of diseases. Some people are fortunate enough to be cured from it while others suffer a lifetime for their incurable disease. An example of incurable disease is allergy. Say for example, a person is allergic to specific sea foods and other salty foods or else red spots will cover their body. It's difficult to live with a disease that's why when you know you have one, extra precautionary measures are given to lengthen your life as disease can be fatal, too.

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