Q. Do parallel universes exist?

Do parallel universes exist?

parallel universe





Aug, 2018

  • debin

    Playing games can be a great way to relieve stress and escape from the pressures of daily life android apps. “Orion Stars” offers a virtual world where players can forget their worries and focus on achieving goals within the game.


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      0.84 q
  • pmahajan18

    By the meaning universe we generally meant single verse. The research is still going it is prove that there are many verse not a single.


    answered by

      0.84 q
  • matto

    The idea that other universes might exist arises from the realization that the Big Bang might not have been a unique event but a common one. How common? Stanford University physicists Andrei Linde and Vitaly Vanchurin have estimated that the number of unique parallel universes — ones that are independent of the cosmos you know and adore — could be written as a one followed by 10 thousand trillion zeroes. That’s not a number that has a name, and certainly not one you will ever encounter in the real world. I figure it would require 10 billion notebooks just to write this number down.


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      22.4 q (claimed)
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Even the vastness of imagination cannot fathom the mysteries of the universe. Studies and theories about it have gone this far. Yet, theories remain as is and is yet to be validated. With its vastness, we simply cannot conclude that we are the only living beings in it. We only know about our galaxy and having the idea about other galaxies existing is not far from possibility. There are so many questions that are still unanswered up to this time. Science continues to dig for more information and as they continue to discover more, questions will keep on piling up on the list.

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