Q. From how much depth underground a satellite phone can still connect?

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From how much depth underground a satellite phone can still connect?

Sat phones are best known for its connectivity anywhere on this planet, but can it still connect underground?


satellite network connection orbit phone





Jul, 2018

  • jason88

    Satellite phones typically require a clear line of sight to the sky to connect, so they usually can’t connect underground. Even a small amount of earth or building material can block the signal. For detailed technical support, contacting the rogers customer service number can provide more information about satellite phone capabilities and limitations. Has anyone else tested satellite phone connectivity in different environments?


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      0.48 q
  • richard65

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      0.37 q
  • dan54

    I was in an old mine in England that was about 50M underground, i had no signal📞😫📞

    4G networks are a leap forward for using phones underground, we can now stand at a subway and keep chatting, even in a tunnel! 3G was a nightmare, constant dropouts and a fear of jumping on a train😅

    5G networks may provide more functionality at great depths, but i think most mine sites use walkie talkies instead of mobiles.


    answered by

      26.8 q

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