Q. Do i need to purchase a land if i am living on a tree house?

my vision is my identity

Do i need to purchase a land if i am living on a tree house?

why would i purchase the land, my house if on tree and government cannot cut the trees, so thye one living on tree house shouldnt not pay the land tax or buy the land


money taxes land treehouse





Jul, 2018

Asked in Category


Green T's aren't green teas but green trees. Science has been teaching us to plant trees and save Earth. Numerous times over several years of studying, we have been hearing our science teachers discussing the importance of trees in nature. It gives off oxygen which the humans need to breathe and live. It takes in the carbon dioxide that humans give off. The mutualism that we share with trees and plants is amazing. We get a lot from trees but the act to get more goes beyond the limit. Now, there's illegal logging and other activities of cutting down trees. There might be worse. Could there still be a chance to reconcile ourselves with nature?

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