Q. What do you do to keep track of your portfolio?

What do you do to keep track of your portfolio?

Hi, sometimes I have a problem to track my transaction so wanna know how or what you use to really make easier to know where all your money is :).
I know about apps like blockfolio or coinmarketapp, but is there anything better or one of these apps are good?

crypto help money security





Jul, 2018

2 Answers
  • pearljam

    Buy Hold Buy N Hold......Bull run…sell
    thats it.


    answered by

      3.79 q
  • cryptodad

    Delta app is the best one imo - i used blockfolio before, but delta can synchronize your exchange accounts or even directly wallet addresses (like ethereum address). They even have some more options in paid subscriptions (but honestly, most of the times you wont need that). Here is the link to their page -> https://getdelta.io/


    answered by

      74.9 q (claimed)

Asked in Category


Cryptocurrency is a secure, trustful and transparent digital currency which can neither be counterfeited nor be reversed arbitrarily by the sender. It eliminates the necessity of a third party involvement for the exchange, as it is encrypted and peer-to-peer virtual currency. For those who prefer non-disclosure and privacy, cryptocurrency is the solution. The use of this kind of virtual currency prevents any kind of identity theft. The concept of cryptocurrency has given birth to reliable e-cash.

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