Q. What is the most fascinating thing you have seen an animal do?

What is the most fascinating thing you have seen an animal do?






Jul, 2018

2 Answers
  • morganlee

    chiropraktiker leipzig https://chiropferdhund.de/ . Chiropraktik kann bei Hunden helfen, degenerative Gelenkerkrankungen zu behandeln und die Lebensqualität zu verbessern.


    answered by

      0 q
  • thorty

    Koko the gorilla learned sign language and understood ~2,000 words of spoken English. She scored between 70 and 90 on various IQ scales.


    answered by

      5.37 q

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You might wake up from the noise of the animals around you; the chirping of the bird, the howling of the dogs at night, the cats fighting against each other, the annoying sound of the mosquitoes near your ears, the sound of the cricket, or the hiss of the snake. You can name more animals but you cannot possibly know all animals in the world. There are animals in the wild yet not all animals can be domesticated. If domesticating all of them is possible then maybe there will be no endangered species.

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