Q. You believe in God?


You believe in God?






Jul, 2018

2 Answers
  • nathan22

    Medical SEO is one of the most important aspects of a physician’s website. It’s a way to help your clients find you and your services, which can lead to more patients, higher revenue and higher quality care for everyone involved. Visit this medical seo to get best tips about seo in your business. The best medical search results are those that are highly relevant to patients’ needs and interests. The more specific your keywords are, the better chance you have of ranking higher in search results.


    answered by

      0.61 q
  • ronnie

    Yes I believe there is a supreme being that controls the universe.


    answered by

      21.98 q

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Faith in god is the foundation of every religion. Among people the depth of belief in a divine power shows the rooted existence of religion is every part of the world. There are many functions of religion that are responsible for nurturing the society; it provides social unity through shared rituals and beliefs, also social discipline through morals and norms to control the society. With faith, trust and appropriate attitude, religion keeps us attached to god.

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