Q. How to be healthy?

How to be healthy?






Jul, 2018

 120.75 q (claimed)
  • cprarticles12345

    If you want to be healthy than you have to take supplememnts regarding your health. The whey protein is the best supplement if you want to be healthy. If you want to learn about it than visit our website


    answered by

      0 q
  • shiva30

    Eat a healthy diet.
    Consume less salt and sugar.
    Take benefits from this: Bodybuilding Supplements That Work Like Steroids


    answered by

      0.73 q
  • oliver

    Being healthy and fit in simple terms mean taking good care of the body. we should remember that a healthy mind resides only in a healthy body. good health of mind and body helps one maintain the requied energy level to achieve the goal in your life. all of us much strive to achieve wholesome health. A healthy and fit person is capable to living life to the fullest, without any medical issues.
    healthy means not a good or rich lifestyle, it means a healthy and strong body full of all nutrients. some ways are to become healthy:
    1. regularly habituated with exercise and yoga.
    2. drink plenty of clean water.
    3. eat lot of plant protein supplements
    4. early to go bed and early to rise.
    5. avoid local street food or oily food.
    6. do not skip breakfast.
    7. do not take strees.
    8. try to maintain atleast daily walking.


    answered by

      8.16 q
  • umeshmaheshwari2811

    A proper balance diet and a proper daily workout by workout and prober diet keep us healthy young and fittt


    answered by

      1.2 q
  • cryptodad

    It is quite limited what you can do to be healthy. You can eat healthy, maintain good bodyfat percentage, exercise regulary, trying to avoid pollution, and try to live without too much stress. But even after all of this, you can just die in some accident, or get cancer - there is many other factors that you cant optimize (genetics for example, society - other peoples living nearby you, etc).

    Just one good advice - as for “eating healthy”, if you want to get 100% of this, you will spend too much time focusing on it. It is not worth in my opinion, the basics you can get in few points - get good amount of proteins every day, look out for energy income and expenditure and try to avoid too much processed foods. Add daily exercise (20 minutes can be enough), and you will doing much more than most of the population.


    answered by

      22.4 q (claimed)

Asked in Category


Body goals. Everybody wants a physically fit body. Toned muscle is always good to look at. Achieving this seems hard when you rely only on the protein intake you get from eating specific foods that are recommended for you. You stay at the gym and religiously commit yourself to do it. Self-discipline is one of the keys. Not even a busy schedule can hinder from taking care of your body. It is self-satisfying to see yourself looking fit. Most people have body goals but they don't have the passion to pursue it. When clothes get tighter, it's about time to work your body out.

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