Q. What is the most effective way to get rid of gas in the stomach?

Curiosity Killed The Cat

What is the most effective way to get rid of gas in the stomach?

fart stomach pain gas stomach gastritis





Jul, 2018

  • jefferson

    Consuming garlic and ginger will helps to overcome stomach related problem from the body. Better to avoid intaking potato and oil rich food items.


    answered by

      0.27 q
  • amilebills

    Love to read it,Waiting For More new Update and I Already Read your Recent Post its Great Thanks. click now


    answered by

      0.73 q
  • pearljam

    What I think The best solution is :

    1. To do some light exercise daily.
    2. To take some fresh juicy fruits.
    3. To take some green vegetables.
    4. Avoid deep fried edible items.
    5. Stop to take carbonated beverages.
    6. Take youself stree free.
    7. Do some Yoga…atleast deep breathing.


    answered by

      28.67 q
  • sercandrop

    Have you heard of Rennie It’s great for stomach and helped me so much !

    Also, you need to get more water, stop consuming cola, start using ginger, and start doing some sports which would help you so much !


    answered by

      66.85 q

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