Q. What do you have to say about people scribbling their names on monumental buildings?

What do you have to say about people scribbling their names on monumental buildings?

heritage abuse disrespecting scribbling





Jul, 2018

2 Answers
  • richard65

    I was impressed with the site that you created, so memotipasi many people to be more advanced, there also kunjugi me, as a comparison 먹튀검증업체


    answered by

      0.77 q
  • khushi

    It is absolutely stupid.
    For those who feel victory in scribbling names and anything else on the monumental buildings, I would like to say this:
    Firstly, it is a very shameful thing to do.
    Secondly, please don’t take any pride in thinking that now your name is also on a heritage, instead it is a reflection of a stupid act to degrade the value of a monument.



    answered by

      3.53 q

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Past is past yet the memories live on. We build monuments to remember a famous person for doing an exemplary job usually for the country and its people. Aside from that, a monument is built in a historical place or as a landmark with historical relevance. Decades have passed and these monuments have become tourist attractions. Aside from remembering the past events, monuments serve as an important thing that makes people remember a certain place. Monuments are special and are not always for everyone. So, the real meaning should always be preserved well.

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