Q. Which companies are working on a self-driving car right now?

Which companies are working on a self-driving car right now?

driving cars





Jun, 2018

  • ollec

    Rolls Royce is working on a seldriving flying car.


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  • crypto.bit182

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  • brandon.bruce

    Autonomous cars have been the focus of many auto OEMs. Big-name car OEMs like Volkswagen, Mercedes Benz, Toyota, Ford, Nissan, Honda, BMW, and Tesla have been testing their autonomous vehicles for release within five years. Tesla, who is said to be manufacturing all its vehicles to enable self-driving by 2018.


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One cannot just drive without a driver's license. Moreover, you cannot take over the steering wheel when you are not of legal age. There are also certain rules that should be followed when driving. The negligence to obey the rules results in so many road accidents. Driving looks easy but it's for the brave ones who can manage a busy highway or long trips. You go through series of test and you need to have good eyesight because you're not only driving for your life but the lives your passengers are in your hands. Don't forget to buckle up. Life's already short so don't make it shorter.

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