Q. Can I stop the medication for my heart disease if I ensure to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

Can I stop the medication for my heart disease if I ensure to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

healthy-heart lifestyle





Jun, 2018

2 Answers
  • steve7876

    A healthy lifestyle isn’t just about looking good—it’s about feeling great too! Proper nutrition, regular exercise, and good sleep all work together to boost energy and overall well-being. I love how this article emphasizes sustainable habits over fad diets. It’s all about making mindful choices that fit into daily life. Thanks for the inspiration and motivation to stay on track!
    BPH Surgery Options


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      0.49 q
  • velmaloydu

    Please continue this great work and I look forward to more of your awesome blog posts. ویزای ترکیه برای شهروندان فلسطینی/


    answered by

      0.37 q

Asked in Category

Heart Disease

It is disturbing to know that heart disease is a leading cause of death for both men and women. We must sit back for a second and think why is it so? In order to survive in the cut-throat competition we have adapted unhealthy eating habits. It must be taken into consideration whether we are willing to give away our health to get success. There is a lot that can be done to have a healthy heart. Thus, "take care of your heart, don't let it fall apart".

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