Q. With the advent of newer dancing styles, ancient dancing style are disappearing. Do you agree?

With the advent of newer dancing styles, ancient dancing style are disappearing. Do you agree?

old styles new styles dancing





Jun, 2018

1 Answer
  • pandora

    I agree, it is very obvious that dancing styles from different countries can be learned very easily now so people have lot many options to choose from. Newer styles look fancy and people get attracted to it, leaving their traditional dance aside.


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"Stomp your feet. Extend your arms. Chin up. Count the beat 1, 2, 3, and.." Good rhythm and beat make your head bang. Chanting is even accompanied with music and dance. Many people are also passionate about it. Even some movies and most music videos aren't well-accomplished without a dance. Like singing, dancing is an art of expressing one's self. It also speaks about the culture of its place of origin. To share your dance steps to the world is sharing and showing your beautiful culture through it. Show the world how you dance, and the world will tell you who you are.

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