Q. What is the main thing that should be there in order to hold on to a relationship?

What is the main thing that should be there in order to hold on to a relationship?






Jun, 2018

  • gibson

    It was wondering if I could use this write-up on my other website, I will link it back to your website though.Great Thanks.
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    answered by

      0.38 q
  • markcalloway9011

    Understanding, trust and no communication gap hold the relationship last longer. To read this about more visit: https://www.behance.net/gallery/68339909/The-Relationship-Talk


    answered by

      4.33 q
  • pearljam

    One and only…TRUST should be there …


    answered by

      3.39 q
  • chinnoye.okafar

    Trust is the main thing that should be there between the two in order to hold on to a relationship. If trust is not there between the two, then the relationship doesnt last for long in any case.


    answered by

  • doru

    Trust in each other!


    answered by

      27.3 q

Asked in Category

Love and Relationship

Je Taime! Ich liebe dich! Te Amo! Saranghae!
Love in different languages, in different ways and in different forms. Amidst the failing relationships around you, who can really tell the difference between a love that's intentional and a love that's superficial? Relationship goals garner thousands of likes from people because love is an action word. Yet, many drift away and lose precious things that they shouldn't have lost in that game.
White, gray, and black where white = purity of intentions, gray = uncertainty, and black = the toxic. Suit yourself in. True love finds its real home and transcends in all differences.

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