Q. What would you do with 1.000.000$ in your pocket right now?
Hello I am alex and I'am Alex..
What would you do with 1.000.000$ in your pocket right now?
19 Answers
I would buy an absolutely perfect house https://prian.info/by/pub/calculatio... To move from a noisy metropolis to quietness and closer to nature - during the pandemic, this issue has become especially urgent. More and more often, people are trying to escape to the countryside not only for the summer, but to settle in, finding a good home for the whole family. In addition to comfort, the need for safety has come to the forefront.
answered by annhide123
i would invest big portion (50% maybe) in something “stable” - probably some real estate or apartment in holiday resort that will bring back nice income. then second part would go to stocks (20%), 15% into crypto and 15% right into the bank account for some “happy time” :) (i could not imagine investing all of that without making some nice time from such sum)
answered by cryptodad
I woud throw up the biggest party in the history…
Jk. I’d probably go roughly 600-700k~ for dividend, loan payouts, (stocks, bonds, index etc. etc..) full time living 100% passive
Rest divided between cryptos or other speculative assets and life :)I’d also order a bitconnect shirt.
answered by 9lives
Go all in on BTC and other Cryptocurrencies and Fund my whole families retirement fud and never work again :D!
answered by sandunfernando
If I have $1000/- , $350 spend in Eth and altcoins , $300 in BTC, $350 in USDT and make every situation favourable and make tis amount to bigger one. After when I get 2x or 3x, i will withdraw the seed amount and invest them elsewhere…as top to priority. Crypto will make again
answered by pearljam
The smartest way to use your money, is to have your money working for you!
Middle-class people (we) always do the mistake of using money on depreciating asset (house, car, watches..)
Instead, invest it in something (I won’t tell you what now, YOU have to find out…) that gives you a return every year. 5%, 10%, 20% it doesn’t matter as long as you earn instead of spending.But of course, enjoy life and bless your family and friends with 10%/20% of that money won’t hurt :)
answered by french
I am all in on crypto. I have limited fiat currency. 90% of my monthly paycheck goes into my favourite coins.
So, with $1 million, I’d invest it in equal parts into Neo, Achain, Eos and Zilliqa.
People say only invest in crypto what you can afford to lose. I say go all in because diversification is for idiots.
answered by akhil
Management Asset with Ray Dalio Ratio Asset for prepare facing four season : inflation, deflation, Rising Economy Growth, Decline Economy Growth, with modification
1. Gold/Silver 5 %
2. Commodities 15% (including Crypto)
3. Stock 15%
4. Long Term Bonds 40%
5. Middle Term Bond 15%
6. Passive Income 10% (property rent)answered by hanifsoul
short term… buy Bitcoin and Altcoins… then Long term goal to Pay off the mortgages for everyone in my immediate family…
answered by cryptoswimmer
With $1000 Dollars I would diversify into several investments.
$150 - Basic Savings Account
$150 - Buy Bitcoin
$150 - Buy Altcoin (Top 10 Coinmarketcap)
$150 - Buy 5 Silver Rounds
$100 - High Yield Investment Program (HYIP-High Risk)
$100 - Setup an Amazon Affilliate Website (from Fiverr)
$100 - Lend it online to (xcoins/poloniex) to earn interest
$100 - Buy Blockchain based stocksIn 1 year see my $1000 multiply X2-X100. Then rinse and repeat until I can retire.
answered by billionairebitclub