Q. Why rich get richer and the poor get poorer?

A qurios person.

Why rich get richer and the poor get poorer?

Do you agree with this one ? Why ?

people business lesson history life





Apr, 2018

  • pearljam

    Rich have resources, By using them …they can cultivate solutions of all the problems. Resources help to move you forward.
    Rich and Poor are classified on the basis of availability/occurance or ownership of resources. One who has resources abundantly can lead the path whereas poor lack of resources set back and unable to go forth even in bottom line of living standard. The scarcity of resources make them deprived. It leads to poverty.
    The gap is developed consistently and it is due to unconditionally biased shifting of resources from the deprived to the rich. The adversely transfer of the resources transform the society , widespreading the economic gap.
    Both type of people misled to life and What I think for the most....as you already know, there will be loss of HUMANITY.

    What is painful to me.. Humanity factor works in an extant manner, if it means to the rich.
    So, Factor of Humanity, Ethics, and Social Welfare must be flourished in the society to overcome or reduce the gap in some amount.


    answered by

      11.38 q
  • piotrkarol

    everything its mind set.

    recomended book “rich dad poor dad”


    answered by

      0 q
  • Anonymous

    the main reason is careless government, who do corruption and only make profits for themselves and their friend businessman, they do not think of the poor people to make their lifestyle better, poor people always have to struggle for their needs even when government have the resources which can decrease their stress and struggle.


    answered by

      51.08 q

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We can define life through experiences and still can't find the exact word to say what life really is. Messy? Complicated? Roller coaster ride? Meaningless? or just not being dead? Philosophy suggests that there's an invisible bond that interconnects all the living. Most of us are still bugged about how life started and what's next after life. There is more to life that just merely exist. No one can figure out what exactly it is because no one knows the purpose behind this. All we can do is to live it to the fullest. It is too short; don't make it shorter.

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