Q. Are humans evolved pigs?
Are humans evolved pigs?
How likely is it that humans are possibly genetically evolved from pigs since we share so much in common? For example: We grow organs in pigs for human organ transplants. We test burnwounds treathments on pigskin since there skin and dna is so much alike. Cannibals even say we taste the same. Greek mythology refers to the island of Circe where Oddyseus and his men were stranded and then transformed into pigs… However this was probably so many years ago it could have easily been the other way arround. Therefore I ask thee : Are humans evolved pigs?
4 Answers
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answered by roaan
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Circle City Concrete And MasonryClick Hereanswered by james_walter
We created this website to share what we learned about guinea pig care so you can set your guinea pig up for a happy life from day one. myguineapigcare.com
answered by seobhao201
Its Possible!
The human species began as the hybrid offspring of a male pig and a female chimpanzee, an American geneticist has suggested. The startling claim has been made by Eugene McCarthy, who is also one of the world’s leading authorities on hybridisation in animals.
answered by Anonymous