Q. Will qurito add multi level passwords for better security?

Will qurito add multi level passwords for better security?

I noticed that the one password I have, and saved in my browser have access to everything in my account, it can be used to transfer my earnings and even access my private key.
it’s pretty dangerous to save such a password in the browser because the browsers password cash is pretty vulnerable and usually the first place hackers check.
would qurito ever implement the multi level permissions keys like steemit have, in future?

qurito quro security password





Apr, 2018

2 Answers
  • debin

    The status check system also has important implications for public health. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the need to reduce physical interactions was paramount to controlling the spread of the virus. The ability to check the status of SRD applications online or via SMS minimized the need for in-person visits to SASSA offices, thereby reducing the risk of transmission Visit here. This not only protected the health of applicants but also contributed to the broader public health effort by limiting opportunities for the virus to spread. The status check system thus highlights the intersection between social welfare and public health, demonstrating how digital solutions can support both .


    answered by

      0.63 q
  • adrienneholt

    Your texts on this subject are correct, see how I wrote this site is really very good. DJ für Geburtstagsfeier


    answered by

      0.73 q

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