Q. What is the pain relief therapies after workout?

The Programmer

What is the pain relief therapies after workout?






Feb, 2018

2 Answers
  • marshallkimberly25

    Workout are physical activities that indulge working on the whole body for a healthy and fit life. With the several benefits, it is common scenario when one suffers from post workout muscle pain. If you suffer from post workout pain do not panic and give up. Follow the methods provided below to get effective pain relief:
    1. Apply heat or warm compression on the painful area. This will help to relieve the pain.
    2. Take warm bath after work out. Taking warm shower will soothe the pain and relax the muscles.
    3. Massage gently. Gently massaging will help to relax the tensed muscles.
    4. Take protein rich food post work out. This will help to repair the muscles along with helping muscle gain.
    5. Get enough rest and sleep. Maintaining one day off in a week can help to ease with muscle pain and repair the muscles.
    6. Stay hydrated.
    7. Do not give up once you feel the pain. Carry on with the regime.
    8. Maintain a proper diet. Working out or hitting the gym requires a lot a energy. Taking vitamins and nutrients rich food will help to keep post work out body pain at bay and will help to get the desired work out results.
    However, if the pain gets severe one can administer Soma pills. This muscle relaxer is FDA-approved and helps to provide relief from acute severe muscle discomforts within minutes. To know more about Soma pills and how it helps to provide effective pain relief read this blog.


    answered by

      0.75 q
  • dom333

    cold water is good


    answered by

      0.7 q (claimed)

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