Q. Are da vinchis invertions still used to invent new machines?

The Programmer

Are da vinchis invertions still used to invent new machines?






Feb, 2018

2 Answers
  • poppy12

    What you share is informative and useful to me and many others. I will visit and read often. Please update new articles. If you have more time, please visit: fnaf security breach


    answered by

      0 q
  • kiaazad

    in a sense yes, but they are more inspirations than instructions.
    there aren’t that many mechanical inventions left to be made


    answered by

      8.91 q

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Art and Design

Water colours, pencils, paint, sketches, brushes in your table. What kinds of art do you like – sculpture, painting, photography, or architecture? Many people have great interest in art. Some of the best art galleries have been gaining numerous tourist visits. Not only that, but also the countries that have good architecture.
These words shall never be separated. Art is your way of expressing yourself when the right words cannot be found. Design shows your creativity in putting your arts to a higher level. If you have discovered yourself as having the artistic ability, then grab your tools and start doing more. Don't tell yourself that you aren't capable of doing things like arts until you've tried it. Grab the pencil and explore your imagination and emotion.

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