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Interior Design

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If asked what purpose does that tinting serve, many would not be able to make a point beyond ‘privacy’. Well, privacy, no doubt, is one of the purposes but there’s a lot more to the story. So, here’s I am presenting the benefits you get when you go i...


If asked what purpose does that tinting serve, many would not be able to make a point beyond ‘privacy’. Well, privacy, no doubt, is one of the purposes but there’s a lot more to the story.

So, here’s I am presenting the benefits you get when you go in for residential window tinting:-

  • Protection from UV rays: A window tinting film is capable of filtering out approximately 99% of the sun’s UV rays. It means no UV rays, no sunburns and no risk of developing non-melanoma cancer.

  • Regulation of temperature inside your home: It reduces the impact of the heat generated from the sun and the climate inside your home is better regulated thus.

  • Goodbye to glare: Well, here too, window tinting film can come to your rescue since it does not just reflect the heat from the sun but it actually reflects the glare too.

  • Privacy and security:While it lends more privacy to your rooms, many safety film tints are known to slow an intruder when attempting to break in through your windows.

Well, that sums it up. With so many useful advantages of tinting, residential privacy window tint becomes more of a necessity than an option.
Do you know more benefits? Comment down.